
Friday 9 December 2011

PLANNING - Characters

Sarah played by Dani Richardson:
Sarah is a sporty, carefree character who isn't too bothered about her appearance and focuses mostly on sport. Sarah is represented as being tom-boyish and being clever.

Emily played by Phoebe Nickalls
Emily is very much a girly girl, who cares deeply about her appearance. She has long blonde hair and always dresses fashionably and Represented as giggly and flirty.

Tom played by Joe Davis
Tom is athletic and friendly. He is shown as being the trouble maker of the group and trying to influence Jack to do things with him.

Jack played by Jack Hurst
Jack is represented as the clever, geeky character. He does not like to get into trouble and trys to stop Tom being a bad influence on him. He always dresses smartly.

Below is an image of our characters in their costumes.

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