
Friday 2 December 2011

RESEARCH - Audience Research Analysis - Main tasks

After Analysing the results from both my audience questionnaires i have found out that the majority of people who completed it were up to the ages of 5, therefore my target audience is of this age. Although i will take this on board, I will also aim my target audience slightly higher as i want it to appeal to children up to the ages of 10. My research also tells me that my viewers are mostly females, but in my opening scene i am going to include males also because it needs to appeal to both audiences. The most popular Children's Tv programmes that were watched by the people completing my questionnaire were Balamory and Lizzie McGuire. Balamory was picked as the favourite because of the friendly characters and the use of CGI which i thought would appeal to my target audience of that age. From asking how long the opening sequences should be the most popular were less than 30 seconds and both 30 seconds to a minuite. I think between 30 seconds to a minuite is about right to introduce all the main characters and set the scence. Also i have found out that my audience want to have some of the main characters in the opening sequence, which i will take on board when creating my opening sequence. Furthermore i have found out that my audience prefer to have a song made for the programme, like the one in Balamory which is created to tell you what's going on in the opening sequence. I will take this on board although it may be a bit difficult. An equal amount of people want to see real life characters as well as computer generated ones. Lastly i found out that the majority of people want both sexes to be in the opening sequence. Below are some print screens of my findings.

These are my first two questions showing that the majority of people are up to the ages of five and mostly female.

As you can see from the above questions the most popular Tv programmes mentioned were Balamory and Lizzie McGuire.

The reasons why Balamory was most like was because of the friendly characters and the use of pictures and colours. From analysing Balamory, i know the attractive pictures in Balamory were created using CGI.

From the above questions you can see that there were equal amounts of people who wanted the opening sequence to be less than 30 seconds and between 30 seconds to a minuite. Also that the majority of people want just a few of the main characters in the opening sequence.

 The last questions asked show that the majority of people would prefer a song created for the opening scene and the both the same amount of peope want real life and cartoon characters. Lastly, the majority of people want both males and females in the opening sequence.

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