
Thursday 27 October 2011

RESEARCH - Research into similar products - magazines.

Hannah Montana magazine.

The route of the eye firstly travels through "new look new look new look." This is a brilliant thing to start of with as the reader will automatically see that it's new first and want to see the rest of the page. The route of the eye then travels into Hannah's face and through her body. She is shown as being happy and enthuastic which is how she comes across in the programme. She is standing in her normal stance, hand on hip and she is holding a microphone. This is effective because it's showing how she would be on the tv programme. Hannah is not wearing too much make-up, which is good because of the younger target audience, she is wearing trendy young clothes, which are not too revealing which also takes effect for the younger target audience, as they will aspire to be like Hannah. She also has a pink bangle and pink earings, all these things suggests that this magazine is for young-teenage girls, around the ages of 6-14. The route of the eye then travels through "peek inside.....Hannah's advice for you." This is effective because the word "you" makes it more personal, the children reading it will think Hannah's addressing them, which for them will be an exciting prospect - to be spoke to by Hannah. We then see the Disney Channel logo in the bottom left corner, this will be a way of advertising Disney. This can be effective because children which often watch Disney programmes may want to get this magazine even if they havent watched Hannah Montana, because they may enjoy other programmes made by Disney. The last thing you see is, "the movie and change your style issue" this is giving you an insight into what the magazine includes. The hotspot area mainly focuses on Hannah's face, above it you can see the masthead, "Hannah Montana", this is shown in the colours and the same fonts as it would be in the shows etc, which is effective. Other things advertised in this magazine are, "learn to sing loud," this is shown on a bright pink section which grabs attention. These are also giving you an insight into whats inculded in the magazine, which people want to know when their buying a magazine. 

The colours used are mainly purple, yellow and pink. These colours support the idea that this magazine is for the target audience of females aged 6-14. The metalically background is effective because it makes everything stand out that little bit more. Block colouring is used to make things stand out, e.g the yellow section at the bottom is used to enhance the writing on it and also to enhance the picture above it.

 The fonts used are simple to read, but are also consistent which gives the idea of a more grown up effect. The Hannah Montana and Disney logo are the same as they are on the programme/merchanise which will attract the regular veiwers/buyers as they will recognise the logos.

 The image used is a mid shot, showing clearly her stance, which is effective to her role in the programme, and also what she is wearing, which is effective to her young feminine character. Hannah is shown as being happy and fun, fashionable and sylish.

This magazine follows conventions as it shows clearly its target audience even if you didn't know before. Also as the main image is Hannah and she is the main character in the programme which is effective, she is also shown with a microphone which is good because she sings in the programme.

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