
Wednesday 26 October 2011

RESEARCH - Research into similar products - magazines.

Ben 10 magazine cover.

The route of the eye firstly travels through the beginning of a slogan "awesome free gifts" which stands out well as its in bold white writing, with a black background. Free gifts appeal to anyone, expecially children as they like things like that. The route of the eye then travels through the masthead, "100% offcial Ben 10 magazine" This is effective because it follows the conventions of being the same on all other ben 10 products, also its red, black and white so it stands out against the green background. The route of the eye next goes through a section which reads, "free giant posters" and also has a picture version of the posters, this is effective because it gives you an insight into the posters included with the magazine. The route of the eye then travels down through the characters face, he has his hand across his face, which is his normal pose for his alien fighting superhero character. This is effective because he's doing what he normal does, meaning children will recognise Ben and associate him with his tv programme. Also Ben is central to the page, showing him to be the main and dominate character with all the power and glory. The route of the eye then just travels through the rest of Ben, showing he is wearing his normal character clothing. The bottom of the magazine cover, is shown as being blank. I think maybe it should have more things at the bottom, although the layout is clear and not cluttered and iit is still conventional and effective. The four main hotspots of the magazine are around Ben's head, this is effective because it means his head is central to the page, so he's clearly seen when you pick up the magazine. The section at the top left hand corner shaped as an arrow is effective because it has a checklist of what things are included in the magazine, this is pretty clever and young children will like it because all things a checked off. There are quite a few things included in this magazine, "wallet, dog tag, note pad, badge and stickers." These are effective things to have because the children may feel they are like Ben by having them. 

You know this magazine is aimed at Boys, as its a Boy's programme. But you can also tell by the ways they try to achieve their target audience, e.g the use of colours, gifts they are giving ect. They colours used throughout are mostly green, with the occasional red and black. Green is sterotypically a male colour so you will associate this magazine with Boys. Also the idea that the character is a alien fighting superhero will attract the attention of boys because they may think its real and aspire to be like Ben when they are older.

The fonts used are simple, bold and readable, this also is done because of the target audience, young children are not as advanced as adults, and need simple clear writing for it to be readable.

The image used is a mid shot showing the characters stance, which is important to his super hero image, it also shows his clothing etc. This character is not real and is created by special effects but children do not understand this so will be attracted to the fact he's so bright, colourful and effectively created like the superhero he is made to be.

Although this magazine cover isnt as full and exciting as it could be, it still follows conventions of being submissive to the target audeince, using the character how he is on the tv programme and using colours, fonts and things that appeal to young children.

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