
Monday 16 April 2012

EVALUATION - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

As you can see in all my products I have used the logo successfully in tying all the products together and creating strong brand identity.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

EVALUATION - In what ways does your media product use, challenge or develop forms and conventions of a real media product?

Media conventions
View more PowerPoint from charlotterandall

Here is my commentary on conventions for my audiovisual media.

During the research part of my coursework I analysed products and discovered conventions of existing similar DVD covers, magazine covers and opening sequences. My reasons for doing this is so my pieces were more realistic and more likely to appeal to the target audience. Here are the links to my products:

Ben 10 opening sequence
Lizzie McGuire opening sequence
Balamory opening sequence

Hannah Montana DVD cover
Ben 10 DVD cover
Balamory DVD cover

Hannah Montana magazine
Ben 10 magazine
Balamory magazine

Thursday 29 March 2012

EVALUATION - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I used social neworking sities such as Facebook to share my work as a way to gain audience feedback. This is an  effective way to collect information as people are free to comment on my work and are open to their own veiw, as there is no closed questions. I asked people to comment on my work, telling me what was good, bad and what could be improved. Below is the feedback i recieved.

                                                               Back of DVD cover

Front of DVD cover

Magazine cover

The feedback i have received on the back of my DVD cover was as follows;

-Maybe add the characters names underneath to make it that little more effective

 -The DVD write up makes the DVD sound fun to watch. Brand identity has been used here.

The feedback i have received on the front of my DVD cover was as follows;

- Hey, I don't really talk to you, but I had this issue with my coursework, the photos rather entertaining, but it doesn't really say what the DVD is about, some kind of running for sport? Other than that its quite good, maybe add like a subtitle/ catch phrase to imply what it is. Hope Ive helped :)

- nice use of colours and good picture, just the DVD picture thing is slightly cut off on the right

- I agree with above comments, maybe add in a catch phrase to give an idea what the DVD is about

- DVD cover looks good and the different & fun colours have been used again (Brand identity)

The feedback i have received on my magazine cover is as follows;
- Very good, clear writing, large image, lots of tag lines, most of space covered, but not too cluttered, good work!
-  It will entice the young children which it is aimed for, its got a good use of different colours which will attract their attention, it also has a free sticker book which is soooo cool. The name of the magazine is on all the 3 pages which represents brand identity. I also like the way you can collect all 4 posters, it will make people buy all the magazines
- Fantastic, this is the best one.

Through posting both on facebook my progress, I found out what people liked and disliked about my product. I found that consumers wanted to see a catch phrase on the DVD cover to give an idea what the programme was about, so i added in , "meet Tom, Jack, Sarah & Emily on their journey through high school." I also found out from my research that on the back of my DVD cover consumers wanted to see names above each picture of the individual character, so i added this feature to ensure my product was the best it could be. Furthermore i found out that my magazine cover was the best one i had produced and i found out that the audience liked that product mostly, so i left it the way it was as i felt it was successful enough. Overall, from the audience feedback i received through Facebook, i was able to change my products in the best possible way, making them more attractive to the target audience. I feel that by doing this i have made the best i could of out of my products.


Below is my survey i produced to receive feedback on my audiovisual media product.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Here are my responses;

The first response shows that i had feedback from both males and females, showing a wider range of responses. My second question shows that the audience taking my survey were between the ages of 6-10, meaning that they are in the age range for my particular target audience, so their feedback will be the most important for my product, as they are who I'm aiming it at.

My third question shows that both participants thought that my opening sequence appealed to them.

One of the strengths recognised by my audience was that they liked the way each character was introduced individually, this feedback is effective for me because if i was too make another product i will know whats effective.  

From asking what people thought were the weaknesses of my opening sequence was and how i could improve it; i found that my audience didn't enjoy the music i had chosen for my programme, this was effective for me because it gave me a chance to change it to something more appropriate.


Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

I also created a survey to gain feedback for my ancillary tasks, below were the responses i received.

100% thought that i used a variety of fonts excellently and that my images were effective. 

100% of people thought that the colors i used were unisex and attracted a wide audience, this is important as i aimed my product at both males and females. When asking if my layout was suitable, i had positive responses. 

100% thought that most of my language was appropriate for my target audience, and the main things people liked about my magazine was the colors. 

I had mostly positive feedback when asking what people liked and disliked about my DVD cover. Someone suggested that i should add a tag line explaining what the DVD was about, so i did. 

Feedback suggested that i should add more cover lines onto my magazine cover. 

100% thought that having the same title throughout all my products was effective as it was consistent and created brand identity. 

100% of people completing my questionnaire said that they would buy my magazine or DVD cover. 

By completing these surveys i have gained constructive feedback on the products i have produced. I have learnt from my audience what aspects they liked most, what they disliked and what they thought could be improved. Overall, i received positive feedback with a few changes. 


I also used a focus group to gain feedback and help me with my evaluation. I asked two children, Bridie aged 6 and Bobby aged 10 a variety of questions after showing them my video for my opening sequence. The questions i asked my focus group were:

1: What did you like best about the video?
2: What did you dislike about the video?
3: What could i improve on in the video?
4: What did you think about the music in the video?
5: Did you like the variety of colours used?
6: Would they watch my programme? And why?

Bobby's response:

1:  I liked the different characters
2: I didn't like Tom because i was unsure of his character
3: I would change the way Tom was shown
4: Yeah i enjoyed the music, it was cool
5: Yeah, they were really bright!
6: Yeah i would watch it because it looks interesting

Bridie's response:

1: I liked the character Emily because she was a girl and like how i want to be!!
2: I didn't like the character Tom because he didn't look fun
3:  I would make Tom more fun  
4:  I like the music, it was fun
5: Yeah they were bright and fun
6: I would watch it because i like the characters

By having a focus group i was able to gain first hand knowledge on what my target audience liked and disliked about my opening sequence. By having this knowledge i now know what to keep the same and what to improve on if i was going to do it again. I learnt that both respondents liked the use of different characters, but thought Tom's character was unclear. I also learnt that both respondents like the music and colours and thought it was bright, which is what i aimed to do. Both respondents said they would watch my product which is a positive outcome.


Friday 23 March 2012

PLANNING - Magazine cover drafts

Because of the feedback i recieved, i decided to change my magazine cover completely.


Because of the feedback i recieved, i decided to make a new DVD cover and a back cover.

Friday 16 March 2012

PLANNING - Institutions

There are many intuitions that produce children's TV programmes like the one we aim to produce. The BBC have a subsidiary called CBBC which produce many children's TV programmes with the same age range of ours, (7-11) The British Broadcasting Corporation, (BBC) is a British public service broadcaster headquarter at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London. It has been around since 1927, although stopping for a few years because of the war. The BBC has around 23,000 staff. It's main responsibility is to provide public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. The BBC's work is funded by annual television licence fee, which is charged to all British households, or anyone using any type of live television broadcasts. Because the BBC is publicly funded, there are rules which govern what they can do, and their programmes are made for the consumers education and entertainment.

One of the programmes made by CBBC which can be an example of what they produce which is similar to our is Bear Behaving Badly, which can be seen through the link below.

Another company which produces similar products like ours is ITV, know as the Independent Television Authority. Launched in 1955, it is the oldest commercial network in the UK. The difference between ITV and BBC is ITV get there funding for programmes through advertising, which means they rely on the consumer for funding. Advantages of this is they get to advertise other products of theirs through their programmes, encouraging the audience to go out and buy them.  ITV have subsidiary called TV ARK, which produce similar products to ours, with the same age range.

Friday 13 January 2012


Title: RunAround
Genre: Children's Tv Drama

Description of ideas:
Our product is a new children's TV programme called RunAround which consists of four school children, Sarah, Emily, Tom and Jack. These four are all stereotypically different, Jack playing the "geeky" character,  Emily playing the "girly-girl", Sarah playing the "sporty" type and Tom playing the "funny-guy". Our reasons for doing this is because when we looked into different products we found out these are the things that work and the audience enjoys watching these types of characters as a group of friends.  Using these characters, we created and introduction into our programme RunAround. Our opening sequence introduces the characters and gives a positive image about being at school. This should encourage people watching to enjoy it while they're there. Our characters include two boys and two girls because we want to appeal to a larger target audience.

Why our product would be successful:

I believe our product will be successful because we know what the target audience expects, having researched it and ensuring our product matches the criteria. I believe our idea will attract the target audience because its fun and unique. Also because at the minute there is no programmes similar to it, meaning it will attract a larger target audience because it's a new idea. We have also followed typical conventions of a children's TV programme by including fun things. Having already assesed what works in the real world we know what will be appealing and successful to the target market.

 Summary of conventions:

Our TV programme RunAround follows many different aspects and conventions of a typical programme aimed at this young audience. All our characters included in our opening sequence are all of typical school age which relates to the target audience and is a convention we found worked in young children's programmes. The setting we have chose for our drama includes a playing field, playground, classrooms and corridors which are all relating to a school setting so it is similar to typical TV programmes meaning our target audience will be more inclined to watch it.  Also shown in children's dramas high key lighting is used to imply a ecstatic and exciting programme which is attractive towards our target audience. The use of high key lighting gives a sense of realism too, as the settings and locations we have chose are a school and as children only attend school during the hours of daylight. We have also chose an upbeat tune which is appropriate for the age of our target audience, our reasons for this is because its fun and will keep the children entertained. Fonts are also conventional as we have chose to do ours like the popular show "Balamory" including a heading showing up in bright colours letter by letter, as from doing our research we know this is affective.  This also stands out and attracts the attention of young children. Furthermore, bright colours are often seen as fun and associated as childish which will clearly identify our target audience.  We have also clearly included four different stereotypical characters which will widen the available market, offering something for everyone.

Summary of target audience:

Our target audience is in the demographic group E, which is ages 7-11. We believe this is the appropriate age range for the contents included. Also the surveys i completed analysing similar products had target audiences of similar ages.