
Thursday 3 November 2011

RESEARCH - Research into similar products - opening sequences.

Lizzie McGuire

The beginning sequence to Lizzie Mcguire starts with an opening shot with three faces of Lizzie, showing different moods and expressions. As she is the first character shown is implying she is the main character, which she is, so this is conventional. She is shown to be smiling and happy which is effective because children will relate to this. At the bottom is says "Hilliary Duff", which is Lizzies real name. There is then a mid shot showing Lizzie playing with a boy, younger than her. This can be effective to younger children because its creating a big sister, little brother looking shot, showing to children they should be kind and play with their siblings. The mid shot is also showing Lizzie's clothes, this is effective because she is looking plain and natural, creating a suitable figure for younger children to look up to. There is then continuious shots of Lizzie and the boy playing with the ball, this is effective because its again showing them to get on well and be friendly towards each other. The next shot is introducing a new character, "Lalaine" there is a mid shot of her showing what she is wearing, this is also effective because she is wearing casual stylish clothes and looks pretty natural, which is also setting a good role model for children to look up to. The next shot is showing them playing together, this is effective because is implys that they are probably good friends in the programme, but also attractive to children as they are being friendly and playing together. The next character is then introduced, "Adam Lamberg" this is a few shots here, one mid shot showing what he is wearing, a close up showing his facial expressions. This is effective because again, he is shown as being casual, something people can look up too, the close up shows his face, he is smiling.. this is effective because it attracts children in because they know that he is happy and safe. He then throws the ball over his shoulder showing he is careless. The next shot shows a younger child then catching the ball, again showing they all play together which is what children want to see. You then know he is going to be intoduced, and "Jake Thomas" appears above the screen. When this character is shown he is playing and is not stood like the others were, this shows that perhaps he is a carefree character and enjoys playing with his friends. The next shots are of the characters introduced playing together. A woman then appears on screen and is introduced as "Hallie Todd" you immediatley think she is the mother figure because of the way Lizzie is stanced at the time, she is shown as having attitude and Hallie is boucing the ball around her showing she is the more dominant character. ( 0.21 secs) The next character introduced is "Robert Carradine" there is a mid shot of him carrying Jake a younger character that was introduced earlier on. He is shown to be the father figure as the way he is carrying the younger child suggests that he is getting him out of trouble which is a typical thing a father would do, this is something other children can relate too. The next scence shown is a closer shot of Robert and Jake showing the expression on their faces, Robert and Jake are both shown to be smiling. All the introductions of the characters are similar using mid shots of close ups. The next shot is a CGI of Lizzie as a cartoon character, showing her pushing up a very large ball, showing he is strong and very dominant. The last shot is of all the characters introduced, Lizzie is holding the ball which suggests she is the main character. There is another subtitle of "Lizzie Mcguire" again introducing the start of the programme. The last shot shows Lizzie leaning on the bouncy ball, she is smiling and happy which is attracting in the younger audience. The way all the characters were playing together in the opening sequences is effective because its something younger children can relate too. Also the way Lizzie is the last shot to be shown indicates that she is the main character in the programme.

Editing has been used to produce the opening sequence of Lizzie McGuire, the most obvious editing is the horizontal and vertical lines used throughout the sequence to make it look more "fun" and "cool". The colours of these are green and blue and they move and change shape throughout, suggesting this programme is fast paced. Cutting is another editing technique used to help introduce all the characters in a more fast paced and flowing way. This is effective because childrens attention span is short, so they need to have something quick else they will lose interest. So this scence is effective because its short, fast paced and introduces all the characters it needs too in a fun and exciting way. CGI was used once in this sequence when Lizzie was shown as a cartoon character, (0.27 secs.) This is effective because younger children find it fun and exciting because everything looks so colourful, as this is only used once, compared to the other video's i anaylised it shows its for an older target audience, although still for children/young teenagers.  There is also a dissolve used in one part, although it is not very noticable it helps the two slides fit together.

The only sound used is the theme tune, which is non dieigetic and is made specifically for this opening of Lizzie McGuire. The song is sung by a young female, it is very upbeat and catchy and grabs attention. You can hear a guitar in the background of the song, which helps it become more upbeat. The song unlike Balamory.

One of the props used is the basketball, this is a key prop as it is used by all the characters whilst they are playing together, as it shows family interaction. All the costumes used by the characters are casual, but would have been stylish to the time it was set. Having the characters in very day clothing is more effective as it gives it more of a real life situation, something the children watching can relate too. Also it shows there carefree kids who are having fun and dont care too much what they look like, which is how it should be at a younger age. . High key lighting is used throughout to make is look bright, fun and happy.

The song lyrics used in the song to introduce Lizzie McGuire If you believe weve got a picture perfect plan then weve got you foled, 'cause we only do the best we can. And sometimes we make it, and sometimes we fake it. But we get one step closer, each and every day. We'll figure it out on the way." This is the narrative introducing the programme giving an insight into what events happen during. This is something the children and veiwers can relate too, suggesting that if something goes wrong it can always be put right.

The characters are shown as being fun, happy and carefree. Their interaction with each other at the beginning when playing with the basketball shows that they are laid back, fun and dont have any responsiblities, showing the youth of the programme.

Lizzie McGuire follows conventions through many different aspects. These being; happy unbeat music, introducing all characters, using CGI and keeping it short and fun. Although Lizzie McGuire is set for a slightly older target audience , it still has that fun factor. The opening in sucessful through using upbeat catchy songs, these are mature aspects, but adding the CGI gave the opening that little childish fun feel it needed. Bright colours are also used in grabbing the attention of children.

                                                   Screen shot showing use of CGI 

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